Lens-Artists Challenge #265 – Black and White and Monochrome

Although humans see reality in colour, for me, black and white has always been connected to the image’s deeper truth, to its most hidden meaning.

– Peter Lindbergh

I have come to love monochrome almost as much as colour. I think mostly because you are more free to create another mood in the picture and to enhance features you would like to dominate. Thank you, Anne, for this interesting theme.

I believe details become clearer, and you can easier rest your eyes on a monochrome image.

There is of course another difference if and how you frame your picture…

…and if you go closer or keep a distance to your object.

You decide, depending on what your goal is with your image.

Some images I just love to have fun with in B&W – making them into abstracts…

– here are some favourites from the kite festival at Fanö, Denmark.

I use NIK Silver Efex for my B&W and monochromes. The option ”yellowed” in NIK is a favourite of mine. So is this crow, contemplating the waves, sitting on an abandoned jetty.

I don’t see the world completely in black and white. Sometimes I do.

– Benicio Del Toro

Sincere thank you to Sofia for her colourful challenge last week and for all your photos using amazing primary colours.

Thank you again to Anne for hosting this week, hope you are feeling better now, resting from the accident! I invite you to visit Anne’s amazing site and join us this week. Please tag Lens-Artists and link back to her original post.

Next week, Donna will be our host and that promises to be a treat so, please visit her beautiful site for more information. Keep well!

55 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge #265 – Black and White and Monochrome

  1. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-265-Black-White-Monochrome – WoollyMuses

  2. What a lovely collection of photos Leya. I especially like the ones from from the kite festival, so much movement. The first picture is very beautiful with all the details, apart from the flower, you don’t really understand what you’re looking at, very interesting. And then we have the scrapped old bus which feels a bit sad but still fits in so well.

  3. Pingback: Lemons in Monochrome – Robert's Snap Spot

  4. Ann-Christine – WOW – splendid selection of photos. The first one is so intriguing, where was that taken? The composition of the bus photo makes me want to dig around there to see what else can be found. The kite festival at Fanö, Denmark looks stunning in B&W – I bet the colors were spectacular, this just shows off the special details outlining each kite. Well done!!

  5. Ann-Christine, this is a great response. I’ve seen it twice!! I guess I didn’t get a chance to respond before my wifi went out. I loved the old bus and the kites. The colors in the kites gave great contrasts to the image and made it work. I’m wondering how you processed it???

    • Thank you, Anne! Hope you are better now and on the mend. I am glad you liked my kites – I was surprised at how well they turned out. And they are photographed in colour and processed in NIK.

  6. Dear Ann-Christine,
    what a beautiful gallery. I like most your first picture.
    I love BW but especially with one little space in a primary colour. Especially black enhances other colours.
    Thanks for showing
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  7. Ann-Christine, you given a great selection. My favourites are the old bus and the window however, that shot of the kite festival tops them all (for me).It strange you’d think an image of all those kites would have to show the colour but it works so well in mono, as if it creates drama out of confusion.

  8. Colour photos tell the story, black-and-white provides the finesse and sets the mood . . . a wonderful collection to admire and keep and look at more than once!

  9. I love the precision in your photos every week, and with black and white even more so. The bus felt like an invitation to look a little closer at details and contemplate the reason it is there, and how it got there. I love how you zoomed in, and out, with the sea lions. Complete change of mood! And how fun to be at the kite festival. To think an event that seems like it should be in color, can be just as stunning if not more, in back and white is fantastic.

    • Thank you for a lovely comment, Donna! I was surprised how well the kite festival went in B&W – as you say, they should be best in colour? How interesting isn’t photography and postprocessing!

  10. Great examples here, the water lily is amazing, but the one that I find the most interesting is that last kite festival image. There is so much going on there: it looks like surrealistic art. Fabulous.

      • Yes, I currently live and work in Bali. Have you ever been to? Ann-Christine, sorry I wrongly called you previously hehe. If I may know, what does Leya represent/ means?

      • Interesting. No, I haven’t been to Bali. My name is Ann-Christine, yes, and Leya is short for the blogname Lagottocattleya, which is my favourite breed of dog combined with my favourite orchid.

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