Tuesday Photo Challenge – Roll

Tuesday Photo Challenge – Roll

Five (!) very different rolls…and I know I have used the photo of the two rainbow girls several times before – but they are so sweet and summery!

CFFC: Teal, Aqua, Turquoise…


For Cee today – these colours lead me to the sea…but also to a Bhutanese farmer’s kitchen!

Mountain lakes almost always have these hues of blue green. There are many minerals co-operating to make it work. A fascinating colour.






Thursday’s Special: Traces of the Past Y4-03

For Paula at Lost in Translation.


This is the Roman bridge in Verzasca valley, Switzerland. In fact, my favorite bridge – in a very special and surprising landscape. A real treasure of the past.


CFFC: Summer – Fire


Hiking and then sitting by the fire – summer is a happy time of the year! Go to Cee for more interpretations!

CFFC: Houses and/or Barns

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Houses and/or Barns

A great topic from Cee – again! Here is a couple of my favourite houses and – what is left of an old barn…

I fell in love with this little abandoned house in Riga.

And this painted house in Switzerland is rather spectacular.

Travel theme: Enlightened

Travel theme: Enlightened

Ailsa throws in a helping hand for us all who are both low and high these days. The world is so troubled and it is impossible not to get depressed by the news received every day. Let us all try to muster some hope, some enlightened thoughts and deeds – we need Peace, Love  and Compassion on Earth.

In the header, two old gentlemen walking in Segovia.

Favorithundbilder 027

Love – my son and his dog


Love – my two children


Love – parent and child

Dubbelporträtt2Love – drawing by my daughter of two of her friends

Love – still hiking together

WPC: Quest

Cheri Lucas Rowlands encourages us to show a picture of Quest. An almost impossible task…When I think of this word, Quest, I think of all my teaching years in literature and all the glorious quests portrayed there:


The Epic of Gilgamesh, a Sumerian story, The Odyssey by Homer, Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, The Alchemist  by Paulo Coelho and of course The Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling.

In these stories, the protagonists set out to almost impossible tasks, leaving home and safety plunging  into the unknown. So, where am I, a 21st century, middle aged woman, in all this? What is my Quest?

I guess in my little world there are no big ”saving the world”- quests – maybe saving myself quests only. I am constantly searching for and heading towards Inner Peace, being kind and compassionate along the road. I find peace in Nature and through doing good things, helping other fellow passengers on this route.

Hopefully, one day, I will be standing there, feeling that my quest is completed. I will be  completely calm and at peace with myself and the world.






SL- WEEK 1: Moi

Who I Am

In response to: http://www.sylvain-landry.com/sl-week/sl-week-1-moi.html

The task is to present yourself  with a photo, a selfie or something that defines you. I don’t know if I should participate at all as I’m neither invited nor a ”selfie-person”. But I will give it a try…

This is somewhat defining me…and the closest I will get to a Ganesha look, even if I greatly admire what he stands for.