Thursday Thoughts – Dogs I Met in Tbilisi

Dogs are a big part of my life – and cats too, when I grew up in Sweden. In Tbilisi there were so many cats and dogs – of which I have already featured some here. (Click the links) However, I have many more photos from lovely meetings with friendly dogs and cats. These galleries might give you a hint…of just how many dog citizens there are in Tbilisi.

This big guy was the first one I met, and he was relaxing just on the edge of some steps down to a tunnel under the road. I immediately noticed how well muscled he was and how impressive the thickness of his coat.

I had already learned that they are all vaccinated and friendly. The yellow ear button confirmed this fact.

And yes, the dogs were everywhere…sleeping in the middle of the road or path as well. This one was lying here.

Sleeping styles of different difficulty…

…and everywhere and anywhere. Preferences differed. For the heat, for the cooling down, for the view…I never asked – just guessed.

Some liked to play and some raised a bunch of puppies. Some were just thirsty !

I just loved the Georgian people and their concern for the animals. All dogs were not just vaccinated, but they also had their own lunch bar in Rike Park. At the end of Peace Bridge, you could leave your bottle in this bar and dog food would drizzle down.

A Happy Land for stray dogs – at least during the warmer seasons. We should all be that kind and caring. Clearly the citizens loved their animal friends. Harmony ruled.

And by the way…the dog in the header was the only one on a leash.

30 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Dogs I Met in Tbilisi

  1. Yes, the dogs in Tbilisi – what a joy to see … how well they are kept and care for … also the cats. That tells me a lot about the people in Tbilisi. The doggy bank … have to love it.

  2. That’s a lot of dogs! I’m always amazed at the positions dogs can sleep in, especially with a leg or more in the air. Doesn’t look comfortable or even possible to me. 🙂


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