Lens-Artists Challenge #192 – Earth Story

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.
― Mahatma Gandhi

Earth Story. This week, we hope you will join us in sharing earth stories through your lens. As we share the natural world, we hope to share our understanding of planet Earth and the glory of her magic. Amy made me decide to celebrate Arbor Day, April 29, and in fact I think I celebrate it every day.

Let us start with an image of sky, mountains, water and trees – Earth seen from above.

The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.
― John Muir

And as we fly downwards, under the canopy, to the forest floor – we will find the tiniest creatures that need you to lie down on the ground to meet them. Their little world is filled with a special kind of magic.

Trees have beautiful souls and science has proved they can communicate and help each other when in trouble. They can even ”walk” some centimeters.

When trees age, they stay beautiful. This oak tree in Blekinge, Sweden, is about 300 years old.

It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.
― Rainer Maria Rilke

Trees bring us spring in soft showers…

…where some are as short lived as the shimmering magnolia beauties.
Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.
― Khalil Gibran

Some trees are famous because of the way they grow, and because they have appeared in popular movies.

This old beech tree is one of my best friends. I talk to him every week and rest quietly in his shadow.

Silent autumn moments are healing.
Winter trees bring a lasting serenity that I never tire of.
I often contemplate the bare trees and their reflections in the water. Calm and quiet moments. Not many animals are to be seen during this season. But trees are home to many creatures…
We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
― David Brower

… and some live in them their whole lives. They eat, play, mate and raise their young.
What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?
― Henry David Thoreau

Finally, without trees the world would not exist. We are all dependent on them. Everywhere in art we find trees as well, and many of us have special ties to certain trees, or remember special trees from our childhood. So, treasure them and protect them, plant seedlings and make the forest and your garden grow!

The earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.
― Pope John Paul II

Thank you for last week’s many curves from you! I must admit there were curves I had never even thought about – creative! Next week, John (Journeys with Johnbo) will host LAPC #193, and we should be thinking about what is special to us regarding birthdays or anniversaries… Be sure to visit John’s site for more!

64 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge #192 – Earth Story

  1. Ann-Christine, this is absolutely gorgeous! Your photos, quotes, and text are inspired. I’m not surprised that nature inspires you. I can always see how your eyes are drawn to nature and your spirit, as well. You’re at home there, I can see! Take care and have a good week. I’m coming out of jet-lag.😀😀😀

  2. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-192-Earth – WoollyMuses

  3. You have a special relationship with trees, Ann-Christine, and these photos are rich evidence. My favourites are those ethereal magnolias and the avenue of trees entwined, but there are so many beauties here.

  4. Ahh, magnificent! It’s clear that you have a special relationship with trees. Your friend is astonishing! I love the small purple magic of a mushroom, the reflection of the trees, and that amazing line of trees the most – not because it was in any film that I haven’t seen. 😀 Poignant words too, if a little sad. But no wonder there… I hope spring will cheer us up, like that hare did to me when I spotted him last week. 🙂

    • I am glad you found delight in it, Jude. The theme fit me well, my mind and soul. Then I cannot stop myself…thank you for a lovely comment!

  5. Ann-Christine, your earth photos are so beautiful this week, words doesn’t do it justice. If all those trees could talk they would tell us lots of stories 😀

    • Thank you, John – and I love that one too – Norway of course! The most beautiful country on this Earth (My own opinion…but shared with many!)

      • I had the great pleasure of driving north from Oooos-lo through Lillehammer, as far as the Geirangerfjord, then back through the Jotenheimen (sp?) mountains, visiting many stavekirke along the way. VERY beautiful.

  6. Oh, what a wonderful collection of tree images! I love your special old beech tree friend and can see why you love him! The magnolia shot is a stunner, as is the tiny mushroom and those bare trees reflected in water. Thank you for brightening my day 🙂

    • Brian, I was happy to read about your favourite – that moment was precious to me, when I found it. The story is, that Milo had just moved in, and I wanted Totti to spend some time with only me…so we walked a new forest path and discovered some new things together with the old ones. He was 10 years old, Totti, and used to my stopping for photos, so when I spotted the ray of sun shining in on a tiny lilac fungi (never seen one before, and never after that moment either…), we both stopped and I went face down on the ground poking my camera under the bushes, moss and lichen. And there it was – pure magic. Still today it is.

      • I was thinking more of a story about that curious little monkey. We lose everything eventually so enjoy it while it lasts. 🤗

      • I guess your way of thinking is the best, but I am a pessimist, so I struggle to survive. Those monkeys were everywhere in the trees around us and the canoe. They stream jumped over the little river and over us – I almost expected one of them to fall into my lap!

  7. Indescribably beautiful tree photos interspersed with words to make us think . . . Mahatma Gandhi as so oft uses but a few words to knock on our conscience. I so envy you your huge beech tree to hug and make you feel safe . . . oh, the Australian bush of endless gum trees becomes part of one too but atavism stemming from childhood leads to just that little greedy wish . . . well, next time please hug it for me !!!

    • Thank you! And yes, I will…I will whisper to him of your childhood memories too, so he can send green thoughts and vibes to his friends in your home country.

  8. Well AC, you’ve outdone yourself this week. I could have guessed that you’d love this challenge subject as you are as close to nature as anyone I know. Your images are simply breathtaking, every one of them. Have you read the book ”The Overstory” by Richard Powers? If not, you absolutely must – trust me! Thank you for this glorious ode to Mother Earth

  9. These are truly exquisite photos — even on such a large scale. My favorite, however, is a closer look at those magnolia blossoms. But the grandeur of this work is truly remarkable. Thanks for sharing all these images.

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