Thursday Thoughts – Enjoying the Last Autumn Colours

I walk as much as possible in the forest before the last colours are gone. I know too well what is waiting – grey November. This walk was last week – and there was no wind or rain. Only stillness and the occational, faint, sound of a bird. Mostly robins now.

I love the way the colours change with the light and the surroundings. Inside the denser parts of the forest, the leaves are still green. Closer to the meadows, the light is brighter and the yellow and brown colours dominate.

When I walked out of the forest and onto the gravel road, the sun came shining through and the slender young birches glowed. They are waiting for next year’s Spring festival.

On the right side of the road, an old gate is standing alone, protecting a seemingly abandoned house…

…immersed in a haven of colours.

A few days later, most of the leaves were gone. I am grateful for this day of harmony – something to remember in grey and moody November.

24 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Enjoying the Last Autumn Colours

  1. Good afternoon, dear Ann-Christine,
    beautifully photographed these trees 👍 👍. Thanks for taking us there.
    Wishing you a wonderful November
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. Marvellous. This woodland should be twinned with the woodland I was walking through yesterday. Such tranquility. I didn’t even hear a robin. Just the rushing and roaring of the nearby river.

  3. That was such a beautiful walk Ann-Christine. That gate and house 👍 You must go by again at get photos of them, before and after it snows.
    The first forest photo is so wonderful love the colour and the lighting 🤗💕

    • Thank you so much, Brian! And yes – if it will snow…we have temperatures 10 degrees higher than usual. Right now it is still meterologically summer here…

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