LAPC# 226 – Textures

Jude of Cornwall in colours is our guest host this week, and she has decided on Textures – an interesting choice! Please visit her impressive site for more inspiration.

There are so many textures in this world…I cannot imagine how many. I have chosen some of my favourites from the natural world. Randomly or no special order.

Winter has arrived today, and we have got some snow too. On the east coast and in the south east they got about 30-50 cm in one day. This icy pattern was found on my glass house.

I like the smooth water and the many coloured round stones right under the surface. Often it is opposites or interesting juxtapositions that bring out the interest.

Or, sometimes it’s just enough to view things from both sides.

Manmade and rusty – but it goes so well together with the round, ”soft” green shapes.

More round shapes, now together with spiky ones…

– they enhance each other.

Some of my absolute favourites are the hydrangeas – all seasons.

Trunks fascinates me, and some trees more than others. Birches have so much character…even as fallen and dead.

Somehow this looks like a big smile!

Last year’s heavy snow took its toll in the forest…many branches lost on this one, but the tree lives on!

Finally, a gallery with some different textures found in my garden and out hiking.

We are very much looking forward to seeing the different textures you can find in your world. Please link to Jude’s original post and use the Lens-Artists tag.

Sincere thanks to Anne Sandler for a marvellous challenge last week.  Your Wildlife Close to Home took us around the globe and showed us the wonderful variety of wildlife in and around your area.  Next Saturday, Tina will be our host for LAPC #227, so be sure to visit her amazing site Travels and Trifles for inspiration and details.  Until then, stay safe and be kind.

63 reaktioner på ”LAPC# 226 – Textures

  1. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-227-Textures – WoollyMuses

  2. Wow, some excellent texture shots here Anne-Christine. Love the icy pattern shot and the stones in the calm lake. And nice capture of the wood in the barn smile shot too 🙂

  3. Wonderful as I might have expected, but you always manage to surprise me with your choices, like poetry. I love hydrangeas too, and I almost prefer them when dried, they remind me of butterflies.

  4. You are in your element as a photographer of the natural world. Your choices are wonderful and each one I come to I think oh, yes. The tree bark, the feathery ice crystals, the fern frond, the spores. That beautiful rusty trough of succulents. I love them all. Thanks for sharing these photos Ann-Christine, they bring joy to the viewer.
    Jude xx

  5. A wonderful assortment. I love birches too. Funny how after you had primed me to think of the log store as a smile, the next one down seemed to be a smile too. My favourite is the feathery ice crystals.

  6. Any of these would be perfect as a large canvas on the wall, Ann-C. I could meditate in front of it looking at the shapes, textures and colour! Fabulous. Who would have thought dried out hydrangeas could look so magical. Very well done!

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