Thursday Thoughts – Mushrooms I have met…

I think this was the last walk of colours – two days ago the first snow arrived. Grey November has taken over our days, so I will post some golden autumn memories while there were still leaves on the trees.

As you can see, there were not many colours this year, but still some gold. And sun! Now we have almost forgotten the feel of sunlight. These are some of the shortest days of the year.

The hidden gems are there if you look for them, and I have grown more and more a mushroom lover. But almost only for photography…I am too afraid of picking something poisonous.

This is a tiny gallery from my walk. I find mushrooms intriguing. One day they are not there – the next day they have just popped out of the ground. A little rain will bring them out.

So many textures again… multiple shapes in tiny landscapes. The low sun is making miracles in the dark of the forest floor. New worlds unfolding.

And a cat musing in the grass – not happy to be disturbed by Milo…

He was happier though – a ”friend” to chase! The story does not tell of the outcome…but we can guess…

42 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Mushrooms I have met…

  1. Love the autumn light in your photos. I find these short days very tiring for some reason – lack of proper light I suppose – thank goodness it is only 4 weeks to the winter solstice, though the light doesn’t really make much of a difference until the end of January. Keep warm A-C ❣

    • You too, Jude! It is awfully damp and cold here. I too am longing for the winter solstice. Today the darkness fell like a curtain around 3-4 pm. Tiring indeed. I can fall asleep sitting in my chair…

  2. These may be some of my favorite photos of yours, and you have so many. The trumpet shaped mushrooms and the translucent mushrooms are my favorites, but the spark of color is not what I would have expected out of mushrooms. Gorgeous post. I love the kitty, too. 🙂

  3. Thank you for the biggest smile of the day – you in Skane County surely have mushtoom magic in autumn ! Have been ‘with’ Ron Smith from Svalov and his trusty pip !!! She really had a talent for finding mountains huge . . . !! I know . . . . what if I come to visit next autumn and you all show me too. . .

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