Thursday Thoughts – Winter two weeks less…

We just got the report from the meteorologic institute – winter is two weeks shorter in our part of the country. Two weeks more without snow. I am not surprised – only sad. I went to my archives…

And, I went back to last February – this tree is from my garden, and…

…these logs in the cold, low sun from my ordinary forest walk.

The two last images are from February 2020. I remember it as a beautiful winter that year.

The snow usually stayed longer then too. This winter not more than two days in a row. In Lapland the reindeer have been suffering from this for several years now. Jumping temperatures makes the snow turn into ice, which means the reindeer cannot reach their food. They cannot break the layer of ice.

This year then? Well, in the header my daughter is walking a lovely forest road. We found it on our way to a friend. We had to drive 50 kilometers north to get that winter feel. I guess that’s what we will do every year now. Winters without snow is unimaginable in our family. I also guess that even if you don’t love snow, you love to see pictures of it!

26 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Winter two weeks less…

  1. Dear Ann-Christine
    we absolutely agree, winter without snow is unimaginable. Therefore we go north in winter as well.
    Looking around here, we think our neighbours don’t know what they are missing living in an area where snow is rare.
    Two more weeks without snow that’s horrible.
    We love you pictures 👍
    Happy weekend
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. What glorious photos it is odd to relate to when the sun is brightly shining on a 34C day! I
    Personally I last had the chance to walk and so enjoy a winter wonderland scene like this at age 12 a very long way back . . . and, yes – one may not think of the plight of animals like the reindeer when talking of global warming . . .

    • Yes, differently…but nobody can deny it anymore. It is enough to listen to the news every day. I am happy as long as we don’t get to extreme weather.

    • I guess it has for many of us, yes. We will have to enjoy pictures, and maybe go north for a week to see it properly. Nowadays parents don’t buy skiis for their children anymore. They rent them instead.

  3. We too are having less snow. In our little corner of Yorkshire we’ve had none at all, though this is unusual – even London had snow recently. It’s all rather sad. But your photos remind me why we enjoy it so much.

  4. We have only had one very small flurry… which soon vanished. Had a few frosty mornings but that has only been in the past few 3 weeks. Apart from that it has been cold but mostly dry and some real sunshine…. not a winter as we know it. But February traditionally brings a winter sting, so who knows 😃

    • Yes, who knows…We had 10 degrees yesterday, the birds singing and snowdrops tingling without any snow. Some more days with this and the disaster will be complete for the magnolias.

  5. Winter in Sweden without snow! 100% unthinkable. I am sad to hear about the reindeers, Ann C. I fondly remember tracking them up in Skellefteaa one winter. Those were the days.

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