Thursday Thoughts – Banksy

Banksy in Malmoe! I have no idea how many of you are fans of Banksy, but for me he is an icon. The exhibition in Malmoe is very well presented, and whatever you think of the fact that they are not original works, it would never be possible to show his originals, would it? I believe his genius shines through anyway. Let’s go!

Bristol born Banksy has been wellknown to the world since the 1990’s, and the story of his Girl with Balloon tells us something of how his mind works.

In general, no explanations are needed – his works speek for themselves.

Anti-war and…

… anti-consumerism graffitti marks his engagement in today’s society.

And the elephant in the room is –

– the billions of people who are living below the poverty line.

Nothing escapes his irony,

and this week we all learned about the content of the latest IPCC report, didn’t we?

If this exhibition comes to your city – go see it!

35 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Banksy

  1. I’ve been following Banksy for a while and he is brilliant in the way he says so much via his art. Seeing an exhibition of his work must have been such a treat. So happy to be able to see it too through your post.

  2. Art that makes you think 🙂. What an irony that he shredded his work as a protest against it being auctioned and then the shredded piece being sold for 16 million 😂.

  3. Good old Banksy! He gets himself about – thank you for sharing your visit with us. I’m particularly struck by his simplest image ‘I don’t believe in Global Warming.’ Sadly, some of those with the strings to pull really don’t.

  4. Pingback: Welcome to my new Pages – Day trip in Gran Canaria: the Guayadeque Ravine

  5. What a fantastic display of Banksy’s work and so well hung! For once the Danes must be crossing the Bridge to enjoy! And thank you for your sense of humour re the elephant . . . And, after having a cheerful chat with dear Mr Google I cannot complain . . . over 150 of his works are about to tour Australia beginning with Brisbane in May and then travelling south to Sydney and beyond . . . must make plans !!! Actually he lived awhile in Melbourne in 2003 and left quite a mark now nearly gone . . . his fame had not yet begun . . . enjoy !!!

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