Thursday Thoughts – The Best Time of the Year

Thursday again, time flies, and faster in the warmer seasons. There is much to do in my garden, but forest baths are essential. I try to take good care of the best season here up north. Life is short, I try not to waste it – but it is difficult to live in the moment…I wonder how many of us succeed in really doing that.

Spring colours in Skane. So longed for and so needed. But a cold spring and early summer. Everything is late. There are few insects and pollinators as the cold and windy days have taken their toll. Still – I hope you will enjoy a piece of our late spring too!

A forest bath is never wrong. Healing and uplifting…if I could I would fly out over the treetops, savouring everything green. I know you would fly with me.

27 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – The Best Time of the Year

  1. It is wonderful that summer has arrived in your part of the world, Ann-Christine. And nice to have an early summer. These are really lovely photos, the sunshine is certainly out. The greenery is stunning. I agree that time does fly by much faster in the warmer seasons. We have just entered winter here in Australia and summer felt like it was way to short and went by too fast. Enjoy your warmth, summer and sunshine and make the most of it 😊

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