Lens-Artists Challenge #258 – Fences

This week we welcome Dawn Miller of The Day After as the Lens-Artists guest host. Please visit her place and enjoy her guidance for this weeks challenge: Fences. In addition to her stunning photography, her blog teaches us of the landscape, seasons, history, and culture of the Shenandoah Valley, her home.

If you put fences around people, you get sheep. Give people the room they need.

– William L. McKnight

The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot for ever fence it out.

– J. R. R. Tolkien

These are some of my favourite or spectcular fences found during my travels – and at home. In fact, we have a fence in our garden too – to save us from Milo running out in the street.

I love stone fences, they are very common here in Sweden, and they speak loud of hard work in the old days. Ireland showed us some of the broadest stone fences I have ever seen – impressive.

And one of the most beautiful and ”wild” graveyards I have walked was in England, Yorkshire, where members of the Bronte family are buried.

A big Thank you to Philo of Philosophy Through Photography for last weeks challenge, Simplicity. I think we all learned more about the power of simplicity in photography – and in life.

Next week we continue with our July “Month of Guest Hosts”. Be sure to visit our hosts each week as they explore the following topics:

Interested in knowing more about the Lens-Artists challenge? Click here for more

53 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge #258 – Fences

  1. I love your choices, Ann-Christine! My favorites are the fence on top of that high viewpoint, and that wonderful photo of the picket fence that is mimicking the trees it is ”holding back.”

  2. I wondered about the lady on the fence too, Ann-Christine. And I like that snowy shot, which somehow looks inviting. An odd thought for me. The graveyard too!

  3. Oh, how flowers love fences too. They don’t seen to care if they are there or not, they just kind of dance together, as it should be. The cliffside fence must have stopped you in your tracks. The sculpture of the woman on the fence was fun. I love the creative art people think up. And the Bronte family sure knows how to show us how ”it’s” done. How I would love to walk along the stone staircase with rustic tree as its fence. Loved you gallery AC.

  4. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-258-Fences – WoollyMuses

  5. Marvellous! I keep returning to the one top left in your first gallery. So characterful. I never think of fences as being in stone, but I suppose anything doing duty as a fence is – a fence. So thank you for this image too.

    • I am glad you liked them, Margaret! I know, I had to look at a dictionary for the word, because we don’t use ”staket”as a ”fence” in Swedish, we say ”gärde”. That would have been another word . Do you say stone wall or ?

  6. You’ve shown us a great assortment of fences Ann-Christine. They all show us different aspects of life. One of my favorites is the sculpture on the fence. And your opening images of old fences and beautiful floral colors were beautiful. Well done.

  7. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #258 – Fences - Fotofeed

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