Lens-Artists Challenge# 268 – Tell us Why

Tina asks us to choose 5 images or fewer, and tell us what is special about them. I have chosen five favourites, and different reasons to why.

The first one is macro of a Toad Lily from my garden – a very spectacular little flower that seemingly mimics an orchid. On a sunny morning last week, she was a glorious sight.

The second image is maybe more ordinary, but it is the first rose I have grown and planted from a cutting of my favourite rose, and it is flowering already in its second year. In the very early morning light it stood out through the gate grid. As always, Light means everything.

My third choice is a dry pond in Sofia, Bulgaria. I was immediately caught by its colours, textures and patterns, and the work going on above it added to the special feeling of depth. It might even look more interesting without water!

In Bulgaria, 2017, we visited the most beautiful monastery I have ever seen. Stuck between the mountains and hidden behind colourful doors, a dream was waiting…. The feeling when we walked through that entrance was amazing. We all gasped, and I think I took several hundred photos inside. This is just the first thing we met…

The whole monastery was covered in paintings, every vault and every wall. Unforgettable. And – almost impossible to photograph. This was a try to show both mountains. vaults and paintings.

Thank you to Egidio for last weeks wonderful theme, and for all your beautiful posts!

So, now we are looking forward to seeing your chosen images – and why they are special to you. Don’t forget to tag with Lens-Artists, and link to Tina’s original post.

Stay well and be kind!

51 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge# 268 – Tell us Why

  1. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-269-On-The-Edge – WoollyMuses

  2. The colors, the detail, and images that make us want to be with you! Love them all. I smiled when I read you probably took 100s of photos in the monastery. I can only imagine the fun with a camera. I think my favorite this week was the dry pond. interesting to see the details of the area, but I do love that you included the excavator. Sure adds interest!

  3. No way to be original here > the dry pond and monastery won my eyes onto themselves also and I have to smile about the ‘toad lily deserving the name lily ! If I still had it methinks my favourite would be one unexpected taken from a plane window on a late afternoon flight Zurich > Budapest flying in perfect weather and very, very low over still snow-covered Alps . . . the pilot having received permission to give us an unparalleled thrill . . .

  4. Nice series Ann-Christine. I like how you framed the rose in the grid…gives it a nice hard/soft contrast and the lighting is perfect. Also love the shot of the dry pond, so many patterns and shapes. Well done 🙂

    • Thank you – I am really proud of that rose, as it is taken from my big rose and made to grow on its own from a twig. Never done that with a rose before.

  5. Beautiful! And I am happy to see the Rila monastery through your lens. I was there too and it was amazing 🙂. The Sofia pond – hmm, I didn’t come across it but it looks really pretty with those colors and spheres. You are right – light is indeed everything!

  6. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge# 268 – Tell us Why – On Rowling/Galbraith and her new Strike novel

  7. Beautiful choices of course Ann-Christine. Loved the monastery of course, but also that amazing fountain! A shame to put water there 😊. But you can add 5 more images for a total of 10!!!

    • Back in Sweden – and yes, I guess I was in too much stress when I finished all posts to come! You chose a wonderful theme. Loved your post – I have seen it again and again…

  8. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge# 268 – Tell us Why - Fotofeed

  9. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge# 268 – Tell us Why - Bloggfeed

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