Thursday Thoughts – The Many Colours of Winter

Winter deserves its name this year – Winter in its real meaning that is. We had -20 degrees C for several days and these images show something of how cold that was.

Still, grasses and plants in this garden offers warmer winter colours.

Back to the real thing – I cannot help loving it!

Today we had another snow storm and another 10 cm snow. In fact I cannot remember when we had so many weeks of winter without thaw and rain in between. But, I admit that I prefer temperatures closer to -10 instead of -20…

33 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – The Many Colours of Winter

  1. That’s really beautiful but I think too cold for me! I’m not really enjoying the +1 degrees we have here in London today, despite the sunshine. And at the weekend we’re back to mild but miserable 😦 Roll on spring, I say!

  2. Nice winter images. -20°C must feel very cold, it’s something we can’t imagine here in Belgium. We have -4°C today and even that’s rather exceptional for Antwerp. Yesterday we had some snow, but mainly in the south-east of the country. We got no snow.
    Have a lovvely day Ann-Christine and keep warm.

  3. Pingback: Thursday Thoughts – The Many Colours of Winter – Uninventing the mobile phone

  4. I can’t imagine what it would be like to live in those temperatures for several days. But if your home is winterized and you are dressed for the occasion, you acclimate. Your photos are just lovely!

  5. Pingback: Thursday Thoughts – The Many Colours of Winter - Fotofeed

  6. Pingback: Thursday Thoughts – The Many Colours of Winter - Bloggfeed

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