Thursday Thoughts – Winter Birds

Some of my winter guests every year, photographed through my window. Of course Robin is my absolute favourite – and I have two of them. They eat on different sides of the house, this one outside my room and the other one outside my kitchen window. Fighters they are, so better stay apart…

Every year in January there is a national bird count, and everyone who has a feeder or a garden can participate and count their birds during three days and then report the results. For the last ten years the birds have been declining and some species are not here anymore. This is a fact all over the world. But, it is interesting to participate and follow your own reports as well as from the whole country over the years. Some years there is an invasion of a certain species, and this year we had a massive invasion of the Common Redpoll all over the Sweden.

38 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Winter Birds

  1. We have an annual garden birds count here and as in Sweden the numbers of some species are declining while others are on the up – parakeets in the case of the latter in London! It’s lovely to see you enjoying the same birds that we do, the robins, blue tits and great tits 🙂 All are among my favourites!

  2. Dear Ann-Christine
    beautiful winter pictures. We haven’t had a winter yet, but it’s not too late.
    We have a lot of robins, black birds and blue tits visiting our feeders.
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. Pingback: Thursday Thoughts – Winter Birds - Bloggfeed

  4. Congratulations read and thank you for pushing the count and bird reporter. Some of them are migratory birds that are probably losing their natural habitat due to deforestation or environmental pollution and therefore have been reducing their population or disappearing.

  5. Pingback: Thursday Thoughts – Winter Birds - Fotofeed

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