Thursday Thoughts – Jardin Exotique

In Menton we knew there should be an exotic botanical garden hidden down a stone path. After some wrong turns and false directions – we finally found it. The path had a glorious ceiling of big palm trees and bamboo. Follow me down to the garden! You will not regret it.

Indeed it was lush and exotic, and the number of plants and paths were overwhelming. Citrus everywhere, Spanish moss, Tillandsia – and plants I had never heard of – among them Buddhas Hand and a funny plant called Napoleon’s Hat. I hope the pictures will speak exoticly to you!

Leaving was a bit sad. This was a very special place with much positive energy. Recommended!

41 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Jardin Exotique

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    • I am glad you liked it too, Sarah. I was so impressed by how thoroughly everything was planted and exposed, with signs and stories of the different plants and their origin.

    • You are very kind, Egidio, but I know you can feel my excitement and joy walking there. Learning about new plants is always a treat too.

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