Lens-Artists Challenge #296 – Abstract

Ritva challenges us this week to think abstract. Abstract photography breaks the normal rules of realism. She explains that it focuses on the shapes, colors, textures, and patterns of the subject rather than its literal representation. Please visit her extraordianry site for more inspiration and examples!

Abstract, sometimes reality is just as abstract – this tree in Bhutan surely has an abstract quality.

Art has a voice – let it speak”
― Rochelle Carr

A gallery from the archives tells me I do like abstract…or non figurative. I think we all do, but maybe we just don’t think of our photos as abstract. We fall in love with certain qualities of the place or thing or anything that makes us create a photograph, be it abstract or not.

Techniques – and luck – used in the gallery are close-up, double exposure, collage, reflections, steam and light play.

There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality.

– Pablo Picasso

The gallery above was made with ICM on a walk in the surroundings of my old school last week.

To participate in this challenge, link to or leave a comment on the host’s original challenge post and please use the #Lens-Artists tag so we can easily find you in the Reader.

And if you want even more information on the Lens-Artists Challenge, please click here.

Last week Donna’s wonderful post invited us to rock, and what beautiful rocks and places we got to visit! Next week Egídio is hosting, I am sure his theme and beautiful photography will once again give us wonderful inspiration.

Until then, stay calm and wait for the next bus. I will be on the road for the next three weeks, but trying to stay in touch!

47 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge #296 – Abstract

  1. Yes! ”Art has a voice, let it speak”. You certainly mastered that today, AC! I especially loved the softness you brought to light in your last photos using ICM. Enjoy your travels.

  2. I knew you were going to come up with something extraordinary and you did. I will never forget Picasso’s quote and I shall have it in mind next time I go out with my camera! Thank you, Ann-Christine for this wonderful inspirational post.

    • I am happy to feel inspired and to inspire if I can . We are on our way to the airport now, and know this, Sofia, you are the inspiration that finally made me go to Japan💛🙂

  3. Your gallery is fabulous! I want to try some of the techniques you mentioned, especially collage and double exposure. The light in your images is incredible. You have such a great eye. Happy travels, AC. I hope Japan inspires you. I’m looking forward to your photos afterwards.

  4. The breadth of your imagination and creativity is really on display here. And nope. I’m not going to choose a favourite. Happy travels! Come back with photographic souvenirs!

  5. Ann-Christine, you showed such impressive images. All the techniques you used were masterfully executed. The macros, blurs, lights, and ICM were all beautiful.

  6. Wow, Ann-Christine, you post is a course in abstract photography. You used double exposure, montages and more to create your wonderful images. I’ve learned a lot. Thank you!

  7. Ann-Christine, I’m so glad I left the reader to view your post in it’s original form. Each of the images is marvelous on its own but together they present a master class on abstract art! I have many favorites but of special note, the train station, the round mirrors and the closing ICM. Really wonderful.

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