Thursday Thoughts – He’s got the look

This bust in Kokura Castle intrigued me. The man’s name was not possible to read, neither was the artist’s name. They were only written in Japanese, and there was nobody to ask about it.

I walked past him several times, as he was standing (if a bust can stand?) close to the entrance gate. Each time I felt someone was watching me. It was something with his eyes.

I know about (and have seen such paintings) Renaissance painters who could paint eyes that seemingly followed you, but sculptures? They say it is about how the iris is placed against the white part of the eye. Anyhow, he was creepy. And in my picture, the surrounding photographic blur mirrors the look in his eyes.

What are your thoughts? Have you experienced something similar? Has someone got a further explanation to the phenomenon?

12 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – He’s got the look

  1. A very life like sculpture with an intent expression… and the blue glasses perhaps intensify the eyes? I have never been followed by a sculpture, I must say

  2. Yes, I have also experienced that..mostly in paintings and a few times in sculpture. And of course, most often from some super strict security people in museums where one is not allowed to take pictures 😬

  3. I think it’s the color of his glasses that accent the eyes. Also his expression has a look of ”I know what you’re thinking!” Nice capture to start a conversation Ann Christine!

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