Giant’s Causeway – The Loveliest Day

Soaking wet after the dog walk tonight, I desperately long for a lost summer. When in Ireland (a rainy country they say…) this May,  we had sunshine, 20 degrees C and no wind on the north coast. I just have to go back for the photos…think I will show you just How…lucky we were, and what a glorious day we had at Giant’s Causeway. Our landlord told us the weather had not been this beautiful any day this year, 2017.

The walking distance makes this trip a half day tour, but in full sun, everything is just amazing and you can walk any distance… There was even the possibility, for elderly or disabled people, of using a van.

The Giant’s Causeway is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, the result of an ancient volcanic eruption. (Although legend has it built by the Irish Giant Fionn…)It is located in County Antrim on the north coast of Northern Ireland.

The area was declared a World heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986. According to Wikipedia, there was a poll in 2005, where Radio Times’ readers voted the Giant’s Causeway as the fourth greatest natural wonder in UK.




The Giant’s Causeway and Causeway Coast World Heritage Site is today one of the most popular tourist attractions in Northern Ireland. Read about the legend of the two fighting giants from Ireland and Scotland, and the building of the Causeway, here.