Thursday Thoughts – Before and After

This Autumn my daily forest walk ended. Not the walk itself, but everything around me – was not anymore. So, while drying my tears, I decided to find some of all the lovely images from here over the years – and photograph from the same spots today. Not easily done, but I finally gave it a try. This forest and I have a long story together, more than 40 years. I am very grateful for all of these photos. Today I just wanted to give you a touch of how I feel about it. A piece of my life and soul is gone.













In loving Memory…




63 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Before and After

  1. Pingback: Thursday Thoughts – Life Returning | Leya

  2. no, no, no! This is terrible!! I am soooo, so sorry to see this. It makes me sad for your community and YOU. I’m glad I’m not the only tree lover in the bunch.

    • This is very sad to see Ann-Christine and I can imagine how hard it is to take the photographs for this post under such different circumstances. You’ve shared so many happy moments here and I do believe that trees have feelings too, always giving freely of themselves. There has to be a kinder way to look after this earth than what we’re seeing here and other parts of the world too 💜 xxx

  3. Oh, this is heartbreaking, Ann-Christine… It’s hard to click ‘like’ on this one, and I only do it as a token of support. I was so sad when I saw the trees had been cut on a street close to my childhood home, a place where I hardly ever go anymore; but such a forest, a beautiful place so close to you, which holds so many memories… it’s beyond words, I can’t imagine what you’re going through. I am so sorry for this loss…

  4. Uhhhh. 😦 No words, just anger. (And a note: When I attempted to share this post on Facebook, it tells me: ”Your message couldn’t be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive.” The same happens if I want to share your yesterday’s post. Ugly!)

    • What? Abusive? I don’t understand. Thank you for telling me…I am totally unaware of ever being abusive. An adjective As far from me as anything…

      • I think a similar thing is happening to Joanne. She cannot share links to her blog My Life Lived Full on Facebook, also without guilt of any abusiveness. I know she asked about it the people in charge but that didn’t resolve the matter.

    • Thank you for your concern – it is not an easy loss. I know the governments pride themselves of having good managements and laws…but many times the EU membership is a stone around our neck. I voted NO but Sweden voted Yes. Now we have to pay dearly for it.

    • NO NO NO! This is heartbreaking. From what you have said in the comments I am guessing the trees are cut for lumber. It is so sad and it takes so long for them to grow again
      My heart weeps for you and the loss of your forest.

      • Oh Anne…NO was my first reaction as well. How long time it takes for them to grow, how much they have seen and all their knowledge… Maybe my children will live to see a fullgrown forest there again.

    • Thank you for your concern, dear friend. I guess new trees will be planted…I will not live to see them fully grown though. Hope to report on it later on. 💚

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