Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #66 – Fill the Frame

Filling the frame offers a sense of completeness, clarity, inclusion, and comfort. We essentially “dive in” and experience the true essence of what the subject has to offer.

Lucas Martin


Last week Tina challenged us to share images of a special place or country. This week Patti is hosting, and she is asking us to fill the frame – what will You be filling Yours with?

Here are some of My filled frames, a variety of choices.

Wooden steps

An umbrella

A quarter of a stone circle




A poppy

Princess of the Night



57 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #66 – Fill the Frame

  1. I love all the pops of color and detail in each image. Each with its own story, all so very unique. Ready to frame!
    I think my favorite might be the leaves with the little red bug. 🙂

  2. Pingback: Lens-Artist-PC-66-Frame-Filling – WoollyMuses

  3. Absolutely gorgeous examples of filling the frame, Ann-Christine! It’s difficult to pick just one as a favorite, but your wooden steps are lingering in my mind and the Princess of the NIght flower is stunning. I’ve never seen it before. 🙂 🙂

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