Lens-Artists Challenge #191 – Curves

Magic lives in curves, not angles. – Mason Cooley

On a visit to Gothenburg last week, I was mesmerized by some intriguing curves, in nature and at a museum…so, this week, I thought we would find more examples of curves: funny, beautiful, unusual – roads, paths, art, architecture, animals, plants – anything that interests you. Because, curves are everywhere around us. In nature almost everything is – curves.

You will find them in small stones under your feet…

In water…

In trees…

Under and below the trees…

Sometimes they are a bit scary…

But mostly friendly…

Curves exist in every little creature on Earth…

In roads and manmade things too, like in this agricultural landscape.

Last weekend I found great curves in something called a Treillage – at Gunnebo there is a really big one – 7 meters high. There are three reconstructed ones in modern times (they were common in 1500-1800), and those are to be found at Hampton Court in England, Het Loo in Holland and Versailles in France. The trellis forms a kind of link between nature and architecture, and over time, the growing trees at its sides will form a bower.

Finally, in the opener is my favourite curve, a koru. And, I will close the circle of this ”curvy”post with an orb of a spider’s web in my garden.

In life, as in art, the beautiful moves in curves. – Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

Many thanks to Patti for the great Close and Closer challenge that gave us such a variety of interesting entries – thank you all for the treats!

We are now looking forward to seeing YOUR curves… pun intended! Be sure to link your responses to my original post, and to use the Lens-Artists Tag to help us find you. Next week, Amy will be our host – until then, please stay safe and be kind.

If you would like to participate in our weekly Lens-Artists Challenge, we have easy to follow instructions. Just click this link and join us: https://photobyjohnbo.wordpress.com/about-lens-artists/

233 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge #191 – Curves

  1. Pingback: Lens-Artists #196: Humor – 50 First Dates With Myself!

  2. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-192-Earth – WoollyMuses

  3. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #191: Curves – 100 Country Trek

  4. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-191-Curves – WoollyMuses

  5. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #191 – Curves – Wandering Dawgs

  6. Pingback: ~ Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #191: Curves ~ | Lindy Low LeCoq

  7. Pingback: Curves – My Camera & I

  8. Pingback: Curves: Artworks and Photos of Ferns Unfurling – Elizabatz Gallery

  9. Pingback: Lens Artist’s Photo Challenge #191: Curves | WordsVisual

  10. Pingback: Curves – One Woman's Quest II

  11. Pingback: LAPC #191: Curves – HorseAddict

  12. Pingback: Lens-Artists #191: Light Painting – Musin' With Susan

  13. Pingback: Lens-Artists #191: Curves – 50 First Dates With Myself!

  14. Pingback: Sans Souci or Cent Souci? Only Frederick the Great really knows. – Oh, the Places We See . . .

  15. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #191 Curves - My Colorful Expressions

  16. Pingback: Spring Curves – Tish Farrell

  17. Pingback: curves – Philosophy Through Photography

  18. Pingback: Wells next the Sea | What's (in) the Picture?

  19. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #191 – Curves – Journeys with Johnbo

  20. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #191 – Curves | Sharing Thoughts

  21. Fabulous curves in that piece of stone, such a strong leading image. I really love that image with the venomous green curves. So different from the green curves of the fields in the other photo

  22. Pingback: Lens-Artist Photo Challenge #191 – Curves – Salsaworldtraveler'sblog

  23. Pingback: Curves ~ Rambling ranger

  24. Hi Leya, Hope you are doing well. Your photos are fabulous as always. I love the turquoise snake – not in person, of course! I also loved how you got under the tree and shot upwards to get those lovely curves. Most of my trees are straight on. Thank you for reminding me by example to go underneath and look up. Your post was inspiring in so many ways. You showed many examples both in nature and man-made curves. Here are mine. https://alwayswrite.blog/2022/03/23/wqw-12-you-cannot-stop-spring-from-coming/

    • Thank you so much, Marsha – always happy and positive response from you! I need/we need much positive thinking these days of darkness.

      • Yes, we do. What a scary thing that is going on in Ukraine. We had the most delightful exchange student a few years ago. I may have told you about him. I wonder every day how he is and if he is still alive. He was so bright and funny with so many dreams of the future and was so proud of his country. My thoughts and prayers are with the Ukrainian people. Thank you for keeping up with this beautiful challenge and using your talents to keep up your spirits and those around you as well. Lots of love. M

      • Thank you for your answer, Marsha. I know some Ukrainians that come here during summer to help the farmers. They are clever and hardworking people. You don’t have this young man’s adress then? It woudl have been wonderful to know that he is alright.

      • I don’t, but some of my friends in Woodlake know the people that hosted him. I’ll see what I can find out. He’s like a ray of sunshine.

  25. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge – All Curved Up – Blog of Hammad Rais

  26. Pingback: Blossom |

  27. Pingback: Salisbury Cathedral Cloister Garden – Une photo, un poème

  28. Pingback: Lens-Artists #191: Curves – Cee's Photo Challenges

  29. Pingback: lens-artists: curve – A Meditative Journey with Saldage

  30. Pingback: Closeup curves from Keukenhof Gardens – mazeepuran (माझे e-पुराण)

  31. Pingback: Buildings with Curves – Travels with Ali

  32. Pingback: Framing the view – From Pyrenees to Pennines

  33. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #191: Curves – nowathome

  34. Pingback: Lens-Artists PC: Curvy stairs – An Embarrassment of Riches

  35. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge: Curves | A New Day: Living Life Almost Gracefully

  36. What a fabulous bunch of curves, Ann-Christine. The colour of that snake is glorious. Love the man-made curves too.
    I’ve delayed responding until I managed to put together my curves too. They are small in the scale of each photo. I am sure you will find them though. 🙂

  37. Pingback: Round The Bend – Reflections of An Untidy Mind

  38. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge: Curves | A Day In The Life

  39. Pingback: Barely A Straight Line In Sight — Lens-Artists #191 – Photos by Jez

  40. Pingback: Curves in Photography – Wind Kisses

  41. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #191: Curves Found in Nature – Peaceful at Dawn

  42. Pingback: Lens-Arts Photo Challenge # 191 Curves – A Photo's Worth

  43. Pingback: Haiku: Spring Breeze – Whippet Wisdom – a Highland Journey

  44. Pingback: Household Curves | Celia Reaves

  45. Pingback: Lens-Artist Challenge #191: Curves – Waste Thought, Want Thought

  46. Pingback: Just A Few Curves | Out of My Write Mind

  47. Pingback: Curvy Archives | The Day After

  48. Pingback: A Sea of Feathers – Nes Felicio Photography

  49. Hi, A-C. What a lovely post and wonderful photos. I love the koru….you taught me a new word. Your photos of nature are stunning. I keep returning to the snail. What a lovely image. You’ve given us a wonderful theme this week. I found curves in surprising places and they were often paired with straight lines. It was great fun finding them.

    Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #191: Curves

  50. I really like the photos you’ve got here.
    The rock’s patterning reminds me of stratification, and those trees look quite bulbous.

    Do you know how long the trellis has been there? I imagine not long seeing as it’s still quite exposed.

    Here’s my photo for this challenge:

    At the Step

  51. Pingback: At the Step | Stupidity Hole

  52. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #191 – Curves | This, that and the other thing

  53. Pingback: Swan | What's (in) the Picture?

  54. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #191: Curves – P.A. Moed

  55. Pingback: Lens Artist Photo Challenge – Curves | Isadora Art and Photography

  56. Pingback: Gallery: monochrome curves - Travel with me

  57. Beautiful shots of trees – I especially like the reflection in water which adds another curvy dimension. The spider web is amazing too! I’ll be joining in as soon as I catch up with myself!!!

  58. Pingback: Silent Sunday: Spring Curves – Tranature

  59. Pingback: Driving around the bend-Sijo poem: LAPC, TTC, SWPC - bend branches

  60. Pingback: Mad Man Moon | What's (in) the Picture?

  61. Pingback: Sunday Stills: #Daylight in Black and White – Second Wind Leisure Perspectives

  62. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #191: Curves – This is Another Story

  63. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #191 – Curves | The World Is A Book...

  64. Cloud pruned trees are absolutely amazing to look at. I must confess to seeing lines and geometric shapes better than curves, but it is true that there are a lot of curves in nature. (Plus the curve of my mouse which fits into the curve of my hand)

    • Haha, well, I never thought about that – mouse and hand – but of course they are a perfect match. So the name of this is cloud pruning! Thank you – and so well it fits the impression!

  65. Pingback: Curves | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown

  66. LOL for your closing pun Ann-Christine. I loved your challenge this week and your post is amazing. Every one of your examples is wonderful and as always, beautifully photographed. If forced to choose a favorite I have to go with the little snail. Wonderful!!

    • Thank you, Tina – it seems the snail is the winner this week…Glad you enjoyed the theme – it should bring in a great variety of answers!

  67. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge 191: “curves” – MyBlog – solaner

  68. Pingback: Around the bend – bushboys world

  69. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge – Curves – photographias

  70. Pingback: Curves – Geriatri'x' Fotogallery

  71. Pingback: Curves – Anvica's gallery

  72. Pingback: Curves in Art (20MARCH2022 Lens-Artist’s Photo Challenge #191) – priorhouse blog

  73. Pingback: Sunny With a High of 75 – Cool Esse

  74. Pingback: LENS-ARTISTS CHALLENGE #191 – Curves – John's Space …..

  75. Thank you for your favourite ‘curves’ . . . thoroughly appreciate each and every one but would not add the ones I call such having lived my life on the scientific’ I would be a deadly bore with my right angled mathematical way of looking at things . . . !!! Oh . . . love the snakes and snails . . .

  76. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #191 – Curves | The Life in My Years

  77. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #191: Curves – Slow Shutter Speed

  78. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Curves | scillagrace

  79. Pingback: lens-artists photo challenge curves – photo roberts blog

  80. Pingback: Silhouette – From Hiding to Blogging

  81. Oooh. Good theme! I’ve see those bushy trees in Parque El Retiro, Madrid, just last October! I’ve never seen a Blue Racer before. No rush on that. Great photos. Soooo many possibles.

    • And you loved those trees? I hope you did – they were amazingly neatly pruned. I don’t like pruned trees, or too much pruned trees, but I thought these ones were perfect. They still kept their originality. And that Blue Racer luckily was behind glass…

  82. Great challenge and beautiful images Ann-Christine. Lately, I’ve been focused on lines and angles, but I do like curves, especially those found in nature. I’m excited to dig into my archives to find curvy photos.

  83. These are beautiful and fascinating curves in nature, AC! I admire your observations. Thank you for showing us these curves around us.

  84. If I had to pick one, I would pick the tree from below. But I don’t want to pick because I love them all. Truly inspired, Ann-Christine. I’ll see what I can do and post later.

  85. Oh I love this, and love the diversity in the photos and ideas. ( I could have done without the snake, lol, but it, too was beautiful). I love the fern leaf the most. And the trees. Donna

    • Haha, well, I am no snake lover either, but this one was a colourful beauty…and no face or eyes! Looking forward to seeing your post – hopefully you will participate!

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