Thursday Thoughts – A Peaceful Olive Grove

In Nice we also found the most beautiful olive grove, with the old old trees standing silent and impressive.

The Olive tree is one of the most beloved, sacred trees and its place is firmly rooted in Ancient Greek tradition and mythology.

Traditionally, the Olive tree is a symbol of peace and friendship, this association began in ancient Greece, as early as the fifth century.

We constantly hope for peace in this world. During this silent walk, some rays of sun hit a friend (a palm tree?) in one of the trunks in quite a spectacular way – and it felt almost like a sign. May peace come to us all – soon.

31 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – A Peaceful Olive Grove

  1. I wholeheartedly embrace your desire for peace, A-C. And looking at your lovely photos, I also felt the urge to embrace an olive tree too. They are extraordinary trees, and olive groves do seem to radiate a deep sense of peacefulness.

  2. Walking under an old olive grove like the one that exists in Lima that is more than 400 years old, one feels absorbed by the serenity, wisdom and peace of these patient trees.

  3. What beautiful trees. It would be so much fun spending time among them with a camera. You took some beautiful photos that seemed to capture their personalities so well.

    • Thank you, Pat, and yes, there is an aura of dignity and wisdom …and a feeling that they know what you are thinking and how you look upon them.

  4. Pingback: Thursday Thoughts – A Peaceful Olive Grove - Fotofeed

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