Thursday Thoughts – Douro River

From Porto, a boat trip along the Douro river into the beautiful wine district was a must. The Douro valleys have a microclimate allowing for cultivation of olives, almonds, and especially grapes, which are important for making port. According to our guide, the region around Pinhão and São João da Pesqueira is considered to be the centre of port, with its quintas (or farms/estates) along the steep slopes of the river valleys. Today, many of these are owned by multinational, reputed wine companies.

The grapes had been harvested two weeks before we arrived, so the fields were empty – but still eye-catching.

We went by bus to the vineyard where we were going to eat and try their wines. With those lovely views everywhere, you could not fall asleep…

…neither on the river nor on the bus.

The rolling green hills and the blue sky – all softness and harmony.

The vines were almost always combined with olive trees – giving a soft silvery touch to the landscape.

Finally, as our trip was coming to an end, we inhaled the magnificent view from Quinta S Luiz before entering the bus again.

Of course we had delicious Portuguise food and nice wine along with it. Strolling through the wine cellar of Quinta S Luiz, I found ”my” vintage wine – but I did not buy it… maybe I should have…

36 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Douro River

  1. I’m not a fan of port (it gives me a headache) but no matter, I would go on this tour to see and photograph those beautiful terraces! I love the geometry of the landscape 🙂

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