LAPC #235 – Shadows and Reflections in Monochrome

Many of us love reflections and shadows, and many of us photograph them frequently. I am one of them. This week Patti has challenged us to show some of our images in monochrome. Shadows and reflections are even more mysterious and enigmatic then, as you will find them changing our perception of the image. Some images more than others, but, they all draw us in for new lines and details, new perspectives.

I have always preferred the reflection of the life to life itself.

– Francois Truffaut

Art is a direct reflection of the life you live. What you experience comes out in your work.

– Dianne Reeves

Glass reflects light in different and special ways. This glass piece from Kosta Boda was displayed on fur – very attractive and innovative opposites.

A visit to Library of Water in Stykkishólmur, Iceland, will give you another perspective of water. The reflections of the outside world as well as of the inside of the columns show how water refracts light differently.

Tblisi at night by the fountain cascades. Water, water everywhere!

Lodz, Poland, Light Move Festival.

A feast for the eye.

I found these fun shadows at a vineyard east of Porto, Portugal. These two containers were so big, that you had to have a ladder and a bridge to use them.

A garden is a reflection of you, it’s your presence in the world. Share this Quote Julie Newmar Read more at

A garden is a reflection of you, it’s your presence in the world.

– Julie Newmar

This week, Patti is challenging us to show photos with reflections and/or shadows captured or processed in monochrome. ”Feel free to process your image in different shades of blue, green, brown, or gray. You can also shoot your image in a setting that’s predominantly one color–like a blue sea and sky, for example.” Be sure to include a link to Patti’s original post and use the Lens-Artists tag.

If you’re new to LAPC, here’s a link that explains how to join us.

Last week we had a lot of messages… Donna’s theme–Messages. You found them everywhere–in nature, on buildings, at home. A special thanks to Donna for hosting a lovely challenge.

Next week, it’s Amy’s turn to lead us, so be sure to stop by her site on Saturday at noon EST. Until then, I hope you have a week filled with joy, inspiration, and photo opportunities!

57 reaktioner på ”LAPC #235 – Shadows and Reflections in Monochrome

  1. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-235-Monochrome-Shadows-Reflections – WoollyMuses

  2. I like the drama of that glass piece and the library of water is fascinating, but my heart goes with the child on the shoulders in Lodz. Beautiful images, Ann-Christine.

  3. Lovely images, AC. Your collection is wonderfully diverse. Where do I start? I love many of them. The ones that stand out for me are the Kosta Boda on fur. Stunning. And all the light show images in Poland. Terrific. Your nature scenes have an old-world feel as if they were from a century ago. I love the sepia tones in the first one. The light festival looks wonderful. I’ll have to look that up. I also hope all’s well with you and your family–especially your new granddaughter. 🙂 🙂

  4. Every picture is stunning, Leya. You caught my attention at the first one, but it got better and better. I’m going to look for some for my post tomorrow. I can’t resist monochrome!

  5. All excellent choices for this theme! I love the sound of a library of water – is it in Reykjavik? My favourite shot however is the one of the trees so perfectly reflected (2nd one down)

  6. I love that you interjected reflection as who we are, too.

    The Library of Water must have been fascinating to walk around. One of those things you might not think about, find yourself amidst, and want to know more. Can’t pick a favorite photo but I know I would enjoy being on the premises of the lakesides. Such softness added with the photos in monochrome.

  7. This is a great post for this challenge. I particularly liked your glass images and their reflections. The light show was amazing. Thanks for taking us to these places and showing us their wonders.

  8. This series has more reality, ‘colour’ and excitement than any of yours I have seen . . . I cannot get away from the Kosta-Boda . . . more real than real !!!

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