Thursday Thoughts – A short visit to Alnarp Castle and grounds

Who can resist waterlilies? I can’t. If I had a pond in my garden, I would try growing them. Their beauty is irresistible. Alnarp had a very tiny pond but it was well kept.

Gunnera is a fascinating species, and I can never resist taking photos of this gigantic plant. Natural umbrellas a rainy day?

There were several Himalayan birchtrees, very white and stately. Betula utilis, the Himalayan birch is native to the Western Himalayas, growing at elevations up to 4,500 m (14,800 ft). Utilis means ”useful”, and refers to the many uses of the different parts of the tree.

The white, paper-like bark was used in ancient times for writing Sanskrit scriptures and texts. In fact it is still used as paper for the writing of sacred mantras, with the bark placed in an amulet and worn for protection. Some areas of its native habitat are being lost due to overuse of the tree for firewood.

(European) Smoke trees are interesting things…I first saw one in New Zealand many years ago. It looked something out of this world, I thought – and I still think so!

I guess this stump once was an oak tree. Still impressive though, and left as a monument at the back of the castle.

After our stroll in the arboretum, we sat down to admire the castle and its grand wisteria on the front facade (in the opener). That will be something to return to next spring!

17 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – A short visit to Alnarp Castle and grounds

  1. Smoke trees are rather fabulous. Seems like a nice day out. Are you sure that is wisteria? It seems a bit ‘heavy’ to me, more like a climbing hydrangea. You’ll definitely have to go back in late spring to take another picture. 😁

    • I am not sure about the wisteria because I never walked close to the castle. It was the guidebook that said it was a 100 year old wisteria. Will have to take a closer look next spring!

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