Macro Monday – Behind the Pot

14 reaktioner på ”Macro Monday – Behind the Pot

  1. Two gorgeous little show-oofs 🙂 ! Are they a genus of phalaenopsis ? Most beautifully dramatic colour pattern! Before our years of floods and droughts arrived had a garden full of cymbidium pots here . . . the most common genus in my part of Australia . . . should restore . . . beautiful !

    • Yes, they are. Cymbidium are very grand and beautiful. I have tried them once too, but winter killed them – the darkness I guess. Do you have photos of them? Maybe they would live in my glass house? The big bottlebrush is now budding!

      • Cymbidiums are regarded the ‘kitchen variety’ orchid and very much the cheapest here whilst your beauties are grown by very few. Mine certainly took temps to -4-5C or so – it would depend how low your greenhouse sinks! Try 1-2 pots !!! Photos> methinks lost most when an unbacked album got ‘losted’ way back !!!

  2. Have they escaped? 🙂 They’re beautiful. My husband bought me a small orchid several years ago and I’ve faithfully watered it. Just about a year ago it bloomed for the second time and it’s working towards its third bloom now. 🙂 The gift that’s kept on giving.

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