Wordless Wednesday and Thursday Thoughts

Such is my life right now, that much of it is chaotic. Illness and death, funerals and sorrows. Many tough things to deal with – but this too shall pass. I try to keep blogging, but some days I just don’t manage to do it. I guess many of you have been though such times in life too, but if I could choose, so many things should not happen simultaneously. It drains me, as I am the only person who can and must deal with it and make it work.

So, bear with me, please. I will be on the road to recover next week. Thank you for your patience and I wish you who celebrate it, a warm, Happy, sunny Easter.

The churches are in Karlsborg, Sweden.

64 reaktioner på ”Wordless Wednesday and Thursday Thoughts

  1. Life brings us many up and downs, many twists and turns. And when they bring us sorrow I think they also bring us wisdom. Find solace in nature and rest. Be kind to yourself.

  2. As you know, I have been thinking of you and what you are going through at the moment…if you need to break from blogging, take a break… Some find it a distraction, others a chore. We understand when you do what’s right for you. Sending supportive vibes…Oh, and that f8rst image is fantastic

  3. Very beautiful photos. Posting can be a necessary distraction at times like this, but it can also be very difficult to compose something. Do what you feel in the moment, because you need the time right now.

    • Thank you so much, Dan. You are right. I love blogging, but when the thoughts are elsewhere, it just does not work that well. And time is precious.

  4. So sorry to read this, sweetheart! As you say, troubles are hard enough to deal with on their own, but when they stack up… Sending much love and hoping the load lightens soon. 🌷🌻🌺🪻🌸

  5. I’m so very sorry you’re going through tough times. Your blogging friends are clearly rooting for you, and I’m sure your local friends too, so catch hold of all those positive vibes. Sending all best wishes and a virtual hug.

    • Margaret – I am so grateful for all the encouraging thoughts and hugs. All of us know what it is to face death and sorrow. Positive thoughts needed to get up again and continue with the life we have got. Much love from me to you. ♥

  6. Your first photo is amazing. I adore it.
    Ann-Christine, you’ve really been through it the past couple of years. I’m hoping that you will appreciate the good things life has to offer us. I know your photography always brightens my day. I’ll be sending you some energy and prayers 😀 😀

    • I much appreciated your energy and prayers, Cee! A soft wind from the west just arrived. I always love your photography too. Flowers brighten my days.

  7. ❤️. Everything passes. Write to get yourself out of the maze of thoughts or to get the maze of thoughts out of yourself – whichever way it feels right 🙂.

  8. I’m sorry you’re going through such a difficult and challenging time. It will pass, you know that, but it will take as long as it takes and meanwhile you must take as much care of yourself as you can and not feel you have to blog – we will be here when you are ready again. Having said that, I’m grateful that you shared that fabulous opening B&W shot. Take care 🤗

  9. It takes much more time than you think to restore calm to ones self… It is one aspect of life we cannot control. That old adage of ‘take each day at a time’ used to sound rather trite to me…. but the reality is that it is all one can do, you cannot rush the spiritual healing or replace our losses. Bless 🙂

  10. Pingback: Wordless Wednesday and Thursday Thoughts – Unicorn Storytime

  11. As the old saying tells ‘go with the flow’ and only reach out when you feel ready . . . but meanwhile please remember you are in our thoughts and prayers . . . . my genie should be arriving with warm hugs and a plethora of bottles of Down Under wines soonest . . .

  12. My thoughts are with you A-C. Times like these are set to try us, I just wish you the strength to get through them and I know it is not easy. I hope you can find some peace in the days ahead. And get some rest. I too love the black and white image.

    • Thank you so much, Jude, for the encouraging comment. What would I do without you. You are there when I need you, this is so much appreciated. Warm hugs…and I too love that tree in the arch. It is calming.

  13. Thinking of you…
    Do what you need to do to take care of you.
    For me, sometimes that means photography, sometimes it means writing, sometimes it means lunch with girlfriends, sometimes it means solitude.
    Pay attention to what brings you calm, and as you say, this too shall pass.
    Oh…and I can’t leave without saying ”Wow” to that black and white.

    • Thank you for your encouraging words, Dawn, much appreciated. I will do what I have to do. Today I could even blog again. But I will still go away for some days, it might help. I am glad you liked the tree in the arch – it makes me calm.

  14. I’m afraid I couldn’t press ”like” on this one Ann-Christine. Thinking of you and knowing this too shall pass but not easily and not without sorrow. I promise there will be sunshine after the rain.

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