Lens-Artists Challenge #245 – Environments

City, country, suburb, small town – this is our chance to highlight the environments we’ve experienced and enjoyed (or not!) Tina leads the challenge, and finally I’m back from Prague – just in time to join in.

The environment in which we grow up, make us who we are. A Swedish gallery from home shows where I truly belong.

So, I am not a city person, I guess most of you already knew that. But, that doesn’t mean I don’t like visiting cities – I really do. I love especially big cities with a variety of possibilities to enjoy: art, architecture, music, etc. …For a week, that is perfect. Then I gladly head back back to nature again.

Iceland provides almost everything I could want from a country, any time of the year. So these two galleries are from Iceland. Then, my city example is Prague, a gem of architecture. Somehow I have managed to avoid going there…until now.

Kafka in every corner, magnificent architecture, good food and extremely friendly and helpful people – of course we had a great week!

This week Tina leads the Lens-Artists Challenge, so please visit her wonderful site for inspiration. The different environments we live in and enjoy are part of who we are. We are looking forward to seeing what kind of environments you have experienced. Please remember to link back to Tina’s original post and tag with Lens-Artists so we can easily find you.

A massive thank you to Siobhan for guest hosting with Glowing Moments, which sent us wonderful responses from all of you. Next week, Patti is our host, so make sure to visit her amazing site. Until then, take care and be kind.

If you want more information on the Lens Artists Challenge, please click here.

Posted for Tina’s Lens-Artists Challenge

47 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge #245 – Environments

  1. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-245-Environments – WoollyMuses

  2. I’m a city girl when it comes to the choice of where to live, but I love visiting countries with stunning landscapes so Iceland is a favourite of mine too. You’ve truly done it justice in your images of its beautiful scenery!

  3. What a fabulous – and doubtless much needed – break you seem to have had. And your wonderful gallery! I don’t know where to start. So I shan’t pick out a single one – I loved them all.

  4. Oh what a weekend gift for scrolling and dreaming! I am very definitely a city girl for whom fate has dictated country life. I love the neat straight-truncated northern European forest but live surrounded by the olive-coloured untidy Australian bush . . . . both are home by now!! For a long time Iceland has been atop my wish list . . . perhaps . . . and, beautiful, cultured Prague has yet to be seen also . . . fun dreaming . . .

  5. Absolutely exquisite this week Ann-Christine. Your photography is always beautiful but this week goes even beyond your usual excellence. I couldn’t possibly choose a favorite and I loved all of your examples. Glorious

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