Lens-Artists Challenge #271 – Contrasts

Contrast is what makes photography interesting.

– Conrad Hall

This week Amy challenges us to show contrasts – please visit her inspirational site for more ideas!

My post was mostly made from our Alaska cruise, but a couple of images are from Prague. The first thing that comes to mind is black and white, here illustrated by the hanging man in Prague (…to me B&W also is connected to horror movies) and scyscrapers in Seattle.

Next up are some contrasting colours, black and white, blue and orange.

Over to Frank Gehry’s building and the Monorail built for the World Exhibition in 1962. Interesting to see it pass ”into” the building.

This is totally another kind of contrast. Architecture is fascinating, with contrasts and juxtapositions making us see, hate or appreciate.

On the road side of the same building the contrasts are in both colours, shapes and structures. The natural world/advanced architecture.

A collection of colours, silhouettes and textures. Close/sharp – faraway/blurred. Smooth water contrasting harsh cliffs – and framed/unframed is another contrast.

Finally, a before/after – colour/monochrome from Seattle harbour and seafront.

As you can see, contrasts in photography are not limited to black and white. There are architectual structures, colours/textures, daylight/nightlight – and many more. We hope you will join us sharing the contrasts you’ve captured through your lens. Please make a link to Amy’s original post and use the Lens-Artists tag so we can find you in the WP Reader.
Many thanks for all your splendid and creative On Display – posts last week. We really enjoyed your beautiful displays. I still go back and look at them… Next week, John (Journeys with Johnbo) will host LAPC #272. Be sure to visit his site for inspiration.

50 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge #271 – Contrasts

  1. Wow, impressive examples for us to learn from. I agree, B&W is great for horror photos. I’m drawn to your leading lines in the tunnel photo, which is so stunning and combines both color and B&W in one image. It was extra special to see the people walking in the scene as well. The Seattle harbour and seafront in both color and B&W too brought the lessons into clarity. Well done!

  2. I like your opening, although that hanging man feels a little creepy 😁 I like your second photo the most. The light, colors and depth together create an interesting picture with many exciting details. The last one, before and after, is also very good. There the importance of the colors becomes apparent when compared to the black and white.

  3. Just love the architectural ones . . . it was my childhood dream to become an architect . . . ‘sadly’, post WWII, my parents did not think that practical . . . so off to medical achool I was sent . . . 🙂 !

  4. I love the interesting architecture you discovered in Seattle. Gotta love the rain. A great idea to show contrast with the drops. Funny to think we spend lots of time running through the rain, when it is so quiet and reflective when we watch it on a window. I loved the image of the color contrasts under the bridge.

    Did you have lunch on the Space Needle?

  5. These are amazing contrasts through your lens, AC! You captured the contrasts of these architecture in Seattle nicely. I also love the second shot, the light and colors are incredibly beautiful.

  6. Some amazing contrasts of so many kinds Ann-Christine! I thought the Seattle image was especially effective. Also loved the train going into the building. What a fantastic world tour you’ve given us today!

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