Lens-Artists Challenge #300- Delicate

Last week Patti hosted a beautiful challenge – Hopeful. A timely theme, and thank you for so much to contemplate and to learn on the meaning and importance of hope!

Coming back from a beautiful journey – I was so inspired by Japan, that Delicate seemed a natural choice. Most of my examples will be from my art experiences there. And, now we want to know: What is delicate to you? Feel free to use it in any meaning: exquisite, fragile, subtle, elegant…etc. We are looking forward to seeing your posts!

Let’s start with man made art! These are some of Sadako’s delicate cranes made with needles. Sadako was a Japanese girl who died from being exposed to radiation from the A-bomb. She believed she would get well and live if she managed to fold 1000 cranes.

This is a Japanese pot (raku) for growing Fuukiran orchids. I found the pot (diameter about 9cm) in the botanical garden in Nara, and I do plan to try growing a Fuukiran myself.

At one of the many temples I stumbled upon a gorgeously delicate waterpipe decoration – one cannot but admire Japanese art, delicate into the finest detail!

Natural art is important in Japan, but the Japanese tweak it according to tradition and their personal preference. Especially trees.

So, pruning gardens is a truly delicate work. Gardeners work meticulously to keep their trees perfect. The goal is a simple, minimalist natural setting design to inspire reflection and meditation. And this garden, in the middle of Tokyo, was no exception. In all the gardens we visited, people were quietly walking the paths. The only sounds were natural ones, wind and bird song, streaming waterfalls.

A Japanese maple in one of the many beautiful temple gardens we visited. The trees themselves are works of art and they are highly treasured for their delicate and colourful leaves.

Ordinary People, and Geishas too, sometimes need a break… As we went to Japan during the Golden Week, the long holiday and flowering time in Japan, we saw many Geishas – or at least people dressed up for the festivities. Especially in Kyoto. And I was happy to see it was not only elderly people! The most common thing among youngsters was to dress up (there were endless offers of kimonos for hire) and take selfies at famous temples and gardens. Notice their hairdos and the delicate handbags – and shoes. Phones are there too, of course…

And finally, a Samuraj house in Kokura. Clean lines and rice paper windows. Minimalist.

I also want to include a Ukrainian wren, a watercolour by my friend, zen artist Tanya Samsonova. Many artists are inspired by the delicate Japanese style, and surely this painting would fit in any Japanese home.

Starting with the little things and moving up to a whole house – delicate is a useful word. I guess you noticed I haven’t used any flowers for this challenge? If you participate for this challenge (I hope you will!), you might be careful of using them too… because I know that next week Sofia will go Floral. Please visit her beautiful site for more inspiration. Warm hugs and thank you, Sofia, for inspiring me to finally visit Japan – it was just as amazing as you said it would be! (And I am not yet fully recovered from that long flight…)

Well, reading through my post, I just realised that this week is a bit of a milestone – post number 300 since LACP started! That is more than we could have hoped for. Thank you everyone for staying with us!

Lastly, please remember to use the Lens-Artist tag if you are participating, and to link to my original post. Until next time, stay well and enjoy every day!

177 reaktioner på ”Lens-Artists Challenge #300- Delicate

  1. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC24-300-Delicate – WoollyMuses

  2. Pingback: Fragrant Fields: A Floral Fiesta for Flower Fans – Through Brazilian Eyes

  3. Pingback: Lens Artists Photo Challenge #300 – Delicate – Wandering Dawgs

  4. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #300: Delicate – l'atelier tanu | tagnoue

  5. Pingback: Lens Artists Challenge – Topic – Delicate – norasphotos4u

  6. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #300 – Delicate | Murtagh's Meadow

  7. I think Japan is a beautiful country and I love your images. Especially like the Japanese maple with it’s delicate raindrops

  8. Pingback: ~ Lens-Artists Challenge#300: Delicate ~ | Lindy Low LeCoq

  9. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #300- Delicate – Philosophy Through Photography

  10. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #300 – Delicate – Journeys with Johnbo

  11. Pingback: Delicate – Lens-Artists Photo Challenge – Cee's Photo Challenges

  12. Pingback: Black-necked stilts parade tanka: LAPC & BOTW - bend branches

  13. Pingback: WQ #170: Taking Photos Inspires People to See – Marsha Ingrao – Always Write

  14. Pingback: Gossamer Dreams- Delicate | writing to freedom

  15. Congrats on 300th post – your prompt and response to it is perfect. I’m in awe and jealous of the examples you captured there and shared with us here. I’ve never been to Japan so enjoyed your view of what stood out to you as delicate. I hope your Fuukiran planting is a success – the pot is exquisite and will be a wonderful place for it to thrive. Thank you for hosting the challenge this week! 🥰

  16. What a perfect topic for your Japanese art, Leya. I love the folded cranes even though the story is so sad. Life is delicate, and precious. We don’t always recognize it until it fleets by us, and we realize how delicate we are.

  17. Pingback: Lens-Artists #300 – Delicate – Flights of the Soul

  18. Pingback: Delicate In Different Ways | Out of My Write Mind

  19. your joy of your trip to Japan is obvious in your words and photos, I can see the delicate nature of them in art and the details of objects. I was really drawn to your images of people and theirs clothing – beautiful. The one wit the umbrella – I have revisited it few times. Also the Japanese maple.

  20. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #300- Delicate – Wanderlustig

  21. Pingback: Animals and Children Require a Delicate Touch | The Day After

  22. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge: Delicate | theonlyD800inthehameau

  23. Pingback: Lens-Artist Challenge: Delicate | A New Day: Living Life Almost Gracefully

    • These are amazing – and delicate – in just the way you describe them, Pat. Beautiful. I have learned that delicate is a very versatile word, and yes, sometimes we feel delicacy is everywhere. Circumstances, mood might play a great role here. A delightful post spreading calmness.

  24. Pingback: Lens-Artist Challenge #300 – Delicate – 1 Write Way

  25. Pingback: Delicate | What's (in) the Picture?

  26. This is a wonderful challenge, and I enjoyed so many of the contributions here – including your pictures, especially those from Japan. Hope my little story – a sequence of seven pictures – might somehow fit in… Thank you – and cheers!

  27. Pingback: A Bench – empire of lights

  28. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #300- Delicate – Ritva Sillanmäki Photography

  29. Pingback: Wildlife at Yellowstone National Park – Nes Felicio Photography

    • Thank you, yes. Their protection of the trees is wonderful to see – supportive stilts (do you use that word for it?) are very common in parks and gardens. Many pine trees and also for flowering branches being too heavy. We visited magnificent Wisteria gardens, and the branches of those old trees were well supported.

  30. Pingback: On a knife’s edge – Don't hold your breath

  31. Everything about this challenge in your words feels like a deep breath, AC . Clearly Japan had a grand influence on you. The impressions you captured allow us to feel the beautiful culture with you. I would love to hear the quiet they work so hard at achieving, and my love for gardening makes me wish I could visit too. Loved all your images. Thank you for a great challenge.

    • A deep breath… – that would sum it up so well, I think. You always find the right words, Donna! Thank you – Japan is more than worth a visit.

  32. Pingback: In the Act of Cleaning | Stupidity Hole

  33. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #300- Delicate | This, that and the other thing

  34. Pingback: Delicate – Wandering Teresa

  35. Pingback: Nature (touched lightly) – bushboys world

  36. Pingback: for Lens-Artists Challenge #300 – Delicate | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown

  37. Pingback: Delicates in Spring Yard – From Hiding to Blogging

  38. Pingback: Delicate, not fragile | mazeepuran (माझे e-पुराण)

  39. Pingback: Lens Artist # 300 – Delicate | Isadora Art and Photography

  40. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #300–Delicate – P.A. Moed

  41. Your images are so gorgeous, AC. Truly breath-taking. Now, I’m looking forward to a trip to Japan! You picked a wonderful time to visit. The aesthetics and beauty in that country are remarkable. Your post inspired me to find delicate things in unexpected places! Thanks for a wonderful theme! Once again, welcome back and enjoy the spring back at home.

    • Thank you so much, Patti! I am more than happy if I have inspired you to visit Japan – you will not be disappointed. I would have loved to stay longer, but we are not as free as you are. It takes a lot of time, so our visit was crammed with mustseesanddos. Because we don’t think there will be another visit from us.

      • I hope you can go again, if that’s what you want to do. But it does take a lot of time. We’re fortunate that we can do our work remotely. But even so, carrying the computers, suitcases, camera, etc. does get tiring. Someday we’ll settle down….but not quite yet! Who knows what life holds in store for us??

      • I am not sure I will go again, we’re not getting younger, but…the snow monkeys, the wonderful nature and the friendly people…I might change my mind…

  42. Your images really convey the delicacy and minimalism of the Japanese approach to arts and crafts. I love the girls in kimonos, your little bowl and the traditional house. That wren painting is beautiful too and definitely shows a Japanese influence.

    I’m afraid I’ve been a bit cheeky this week as, inspired by your photos and memories of our visit to Japan, I’ve chosen to focus on that country too in my response: https://www.toonsarah-travels.blog/gallery-the-delights-of-japanese-design/

  43. Pingback: Gallery: the delights of Japanese design - Travel with me

  44. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #300 – Delicate – This is Another Story

  45. Pingback: Lens Artists Challenge #300 – Delicate – LEANNE COLE

  46. Beautiful views of a country that I would love to visit. Maybe someday for me. Your images reflect on the delicate nature of their culture. Alas, today, even geisha have cell phones. Modern times, I guess.

    • Thank you, John, I hope you will go there some day! Very different and very polite, helpful and considerate people. Beauty all over.

  47. A beautiful post as always Ann-Christine. I’m thinking your visit to Japan was a wonderful incentive for your choice this week. My favorites this week are the simple leaf with droplets and your friend’s artwork. I would fit in ANY home for sure!

  48. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #300 – Delicate – John's Space …..

  49. Pingback: The Parrot | What's (in) the Picture?

  50. Pingback: Silent Sunday: Cherry Blossom – Tranature

  51. Pingback: lens-artists photo challenge – delicate – photo robert blog 3

  52. Pingback: Wings and Nets and Things – pictures imperfect blog

    • Thank you, Jude, an amazing country. Next week’s floral theme will givte me the chance to show some of the delicate wisterias – saved them for Sofia!

  53. Pingback: Lens Artists Challenge #300: Delicate – Slow Shutter Speed

  54. This is a beautiful post and challenge Ann-Christine. I’ve always enjoyed Japanese art with so much beauty, exquisite detail, and grace. Delicate certainly applies to much of their art too.

  55. This is such an amazing theme, AC. Your photos show in full detail how delicate each image is. Everything is so beautiful. Thanks for challenging us to look for delicate things in our catalogs. More to come…

  56. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #300 – Delicate | Travels and Trifles

  57. Pingback: M25 Heathrow | What's (in) the Picture?

  58. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #300- Delicate - Bloggfeed

  59. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #300- Delicate | Roland's Photo Blog

  60. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Delicate | scillagrace

  61. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge – Delicate – photographias

  62. Thi is a wonderful idea, and a wonderful post. But I too am off on my travels – working though – giving Daughter in Spain a hand as she returns to work after maternity leave. So I’m very unlikely to join in – I’ll only have my phone, and I’m not clever enough to do a lengthy post that way. I’ll enjoy everyone else’s efforts though.

    • Thank you, Sheetal – that story, for me as a seven-year-old, was an eye opener and a great sorrow for the world. It was unforgettable.

  63. Lovely delicates Ann-Christine. I love those cranes. I read an article about them in our local newspaper. And I liked how you opened up the the challenge. Your portraits are especially beautiful.

  64. Pingback: delicate « In Primo Piano – photo blog

  65. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #300- Delicate - Fotofeed

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