Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Sense of Seeing

So, there was a slight misunderstanding of Cee’s challenge…from my part. Hopefully I can repair that in the following challenges! Why not join in yourself!

Everything in Nature I love seeing – and the habits are …hiking, using binoculars and camera.

Indoors – I have moved nature inside my house. Today I have 171 pot plants.


Hiking is essential – preferably with my children and my dog.

 v.44 2011 088

Autumn will soon be here now – hopefully it will be a colourful one this year.


Spring is my favourite season. Maybe because my favourite colour is green.

Snowy Silence

Strangely enough, It happened to be the winter pictures I liked to see most of today.

My favourite – Robin – sitting outside my window.

22 reaktioner på ”Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Sense of Seeing

  1. what beautiful photographs – as always, my friend! But …… I especially love your Autumn one and, living with this incredible heat here, adore your winter picture. The change of season we both miss soooo much. Thank you for sharing. Carina

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