Thursday Thoughts – Lars Lerin, again!

One year ago, we went to visit one of my favourite artists, Lars Lerin’s, gallery. I posted on some of his work in February. But, I believe he is good enough for many posts. His Värmland shows the old countryside where he grew up and used to visit old farmers, portraying their daily chores.

Somehow I feel these cupboard fragments are reminding of his paintings of daily life moments. The colours, the mood.

Driving home in the late evening, this view through the car window seemed to share the same harmony and mood. And for the light, in the header, a piece of Lofoten.

34 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Lars Lerin, again!

  1. Dear Ann-Christine
    He seems to paint in the neo-romantic tradition of Carl Larsson. Calming to look at ”the good old times”.
    Thanks for sharing
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • I am glad you like his work too. Many people see his work as too grey and dark, often from Lofoten winters, but there are others!
      Thank you for commenting!

  2. Methinks you are too young to have heard Denmark’s Nina & Frederik (von Pallandt) sing –

    Little boxes on the hillside
    Littel boxes made of ticky-tacky
    Little boxes, little boxes
    Little boxes all the same

    Somehow the neat piles of cupboard fragments brought the long ‘tale’ heard a very long time ago to mind . . . Oh – and a sweet story – their kids ‘met up’ with my kids in a Kings Cross park sandpit when they, time and again, performed here . . . well mine spoke Estonian and they Danish and it definitely did not resemble English !!!

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