Thursday Thoughts – I Need Light and Colours!

I was happy to see that my cheering up post made more than me happier! So, my Thursday Thoughts will be all for cheering us up in gloomy January. Here we go!

And More!

This gallery was made up by pictures from 2011-2015, June and July. I just flicked through them, and picked those that went straight to my heart. Enjoy! Maybe you want to try the same remedy?

Wishing you all a bright and sunny January!

31 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – I Need Light and Colours!

  1. Pingback: Gallery: a pop of colour to brighten the darkness - Travel with me

  2. What a fabulous splash of colour for a January day – thank you 😍 And a great idea to just grab an assortment of old shots that ‘spoke’ to you. Yes, I may try that one day too!

  3. Thank you ! What a wonderful burst of light, colour and life you share . . . The blooms are summer-beautiful, but my eyes go back to the scampering four-leggeds enjoying summer ! funny – in nature I so love colour but am most comfortable to dress myself and my surroundings in a palette of neutrals from white thru’ to black with beiges and greys playing an almost total role . . . am comfortable that way . . .

    • I see what you mean about clothes…I was the same until a couple of years ago when covid hit the world. More colourful dressing now – just because I need to cheer myself up. So glad you liked the gallery!

  4. What a good idea. I am currently going through my archives (to delete all the crap and duplicate photos) and have found a few unpublished ones that are worth posting. Maybe a Happy Thursday is the way to go.

  5. Oh my goodness! What a fabulous gallery of some photos I remember, others I haven’t seen, but all are filled with light, love and happiness. I am not going to pick my favourites, I started and then realised that I will be writing a long list 🤗💞

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