Thursday Thoughts – Seen in Prague

Some things really caught my eye in Prague, or rather – many things did. It is a beautiful city, just as beautiful as I thought it would be.

And there were Easter celebrations everywhere. Nice people, good food.

I loved all the typical things like the great architecture and the good food, but I also love something unexpected.

Charles Bridge is of course a Must.

And the handsome trams are everywhere.

But I always enjoy the little things just as much.

Many of us do, and that is a good thing.

24 reaktioner på ”Thursday Thoughts – Seen in Prague

  1. Lovely selection of photos from your visit to Prague! And I agree, it’s great when travelling to see the big sights but there can be just as much pleasure in finding the little details 🙂

  2. Beautiful! Methinks I am ready to go myself to see and love ! For anyone born in Estonia before and during e WWII here may be historical issues to solve . . .

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