Thursday’s Special: Pick a Word – July 2023

Once again – Paula’s challenge, my favourite – I haven’t participated for a long time. Life happened. I went for three of the words only. Slow starter…but still!




33 reaktioner på ”Thursday’s Special: Pick a Word – July 2023

  1. Sorry for the delay in checking out the entries. Ann-Christine this is so beautiful, all of them. Thank you for taking part again. I hope that you will see some peaceful times soon.

  2. Dear Ann-Christine
    thanks for showing us your three beautiful pictures. To choose only three of the words is clever, with more it is harder to make it look like a series.
    Wishing you a happy weekend
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. I remember your ‘familiar’, agree with your ‘splendid’ and have a delicious and best laugh with your ‘nautical.’ . . .

  4. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Pick a Word – July 2023 - Fotofeed

  5. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Pick a Word – July 2023 - Bloggfeed

  6. Ever so good photos for Paulas words, (also my favourite challenge but don’t tell the other challenge hosts 😁) It is good to see the old tree is still hanging in among the flowers, love the long boat photo and a very splendid finish Ann-Christine 🙂

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