Travel theme: Gardens

Trädgårdar – jag bara måste, än en gång, ta foton från Ronneby Brunn. För några år sedan vald till Europas vackraste trädgård. Den består av många trädgårdar – här en liten vandring bland dem.

Gardens – how can I resist? Once again I will have to show Ronneby Brunn – once chosen as the most beautiful garden in Europe. It consists of many gardens – let’s have a walk together through some of them!

For more beautiful and special gardens – visit Ailsa at Where’s My Backpack!

29 reaktioner på ”Travel theme: Gardens

  1. This is my sort of garden. This challenge has allowed me to wander through many gardens around the world, I had never considered Sweden to have such beautiful gardens, I don’t know why! Maybe I thought it would be too cold!
    Jude xx

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